We have held the town hall meetings and held a series of dialogues with local residents.

The questions we have received are now widely available to the public.

How far have the plans for the power station now progressed?

A development plan for the construction of the power station is currently being drawn up. So far, we have discussed the development plan with Matsue City and Shimane Prefecture and are continuing to respond to their recommendations.

Will the installation of the panels cause a large amount of water to flow and overflow the canal and downstream river?

To ensure that the amount of water discharged outside the area is the same when the golf course is open as it will be after the panels are installed, a regulating reservoir is planned to be installed on the site. These adjustment ponds will adjust the slightly increased flow rate before discharging the water outside the area, so it is not anticipated that the canal or the river downstream will overflow due to the installation of the panels. The calculations for these adjustment basins will be discussed with the River Division of Matsue City to ensure that they fully comply with the relevant laws and technical standards.

I am concerned about soil and Lake Shinji contamination due to herbicide spraying.

In principle, we do not plan to spray herbicides on the site and plan to use shoulder-mowers and riding-type mowers.

As it is a foreign capital, will it be left untouched if it goes bankrupt?

The Matsue solar power project will be financed by loans from major financial institutions in Japan, and the form of the loans will be secured by the power generation facilities themselves and power sales contracts with electricity users for a period of more than 20 years. This is a form of financing generally used in Japan for thermal power generation and infrastructure projects, and even if the company goes bankrupt, the power generation business itself will continue as long as the solar power plant generates electricity as expected and the electricity generated can be sold for 20 years in accordance with the terms of the original contract.

Will the panels fly off in typhoons or other strong winds, causing damage to the surrounding area?

When the panels are installed, a structural calculation of the frame (including the panel fixing brackets) is submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). In recent years, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has tightened the criteria for various conditions (wind, earthquake, snow and other loads that can occur in the region) in the structural calculation sheet, which ensures that panels will not be blown away by strong winds.

What about the watercourse near your home, which is broken and there is concern that it may overflow?

The day after the residents' briefing, we checked the site together with those who gave us their opinions. We informed them that we will respond by installing large sandbags in the future, and they generally agreed.

Once construction has started, will construction vehicles obstruct the passage of general vehicles and other traffic?

At present, the main route of entry to the site has not been determined. After the construction contractor has been selected, the route of entry for construction vehicles etc. will be determined and based on this we will hold discussions to ensure safe passage for residents in the vicinity.

See below for the town hall meeting presentation.

Matsue Solar Project Town Hall Presentation 2024.pdf

If you have any further questions, please contact us using the enquiry form below.


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